best schools for girls and boys in Dhenkanal

Making of a Better Co-Educational School – St. Xavier’s High School

What makes a great co-educational school? Is it the inclusiveness, a better sex ratio, or equal opportunities for both the gender? Learning together in a co-ed classroom has many benefits. Children grow together learning co-operation and developing different viewpoints that help in breaking down gender stereotypes. Students, when put into the co-ed environment, tend to grow more confident, expressive and hold healthy self-esteem as compared to single-gender schools. Though there have been numerous theories that single-gender schools culture more discipline and self-image co-educational schools taking the edge has been a never-ending debate. However, the St. Xavier’s High School is currently shifting the motion by building a better institution for everyone. Let’s find out how it is making one of the best schools for girls and boys in Dhenkanal strengthening the core of co-education.

Top 10 High Schools in Odisha

St. Xavier’s is known for its exceptional teaching methods and quality education. A school that is so deliberately dedicated to constantly improve the education standards and overall development of a child. But the school also excels at other aspects of social education and reforms. It is a lesser-known fact but St. Xavier’s is currently the best school for girls in Dhenkanal. Its diverse environment, discrimination-free campus special engagements provide ample opportunities for female students to be in the front line with their male counterparts. There is no bias or prejudice whatsoever and attention to detail is given to every child. Girls here are encouraged to participate in multiple co-curricular that boosts their self-confidence and will to explore new talents and skillsets. The female students enjoy a safe and productive environment where they can grow and prosper without any hindrance. Bad behavior, irregular activities and targeted malpractices towards any gender is strongly and condemned and discouraged. A feeling of mutual inclusion inculcates among the peers that keep them focused on their career goals.

And the result is… fulfilling! Girl students, when provided with such amenities and atmosphere, tend to excel in every domain with flying colors. The majority of the student at St. Xavier’s who passed with higher percentile are girls! The performance has been exceptional not only in studies but in sports, co-curricular and other domains. St. Xavier’s High School is a shining example of how co-ed schools can benefit a child in multiple ways.