best English medium schools in Odisha

The Importance of Language in High schools

Language, often sought to be a medium for conversation and the exchange of knowledge extends as one of the most important aspects of life. A quote by Rita Mae Brown goes like – “Language is the road map of a culture, it tells where its people come from and where they are going”.  A language carries the dress of one’s thought and reflects a lot about a person. When an individual is able to put forward his/her thoughts, ideas and feelings vividly with words and expressions people tend to spare attention. In a broad sense, having command over languages like English, mandarin, etc. which globally accepted and practiced opens up new opportunities for growth and entanglements.

best schools in dhenkanal, Odisha

Above 1.6 billion people out of 7.5 billion on Earth speak the English language. English is understood and spoken throughout the world with more than 55 sovereign and 27 non-sovereign countries as their primary language. Economies, transactions, exchange, business, education reach people worldwide with language hence to be a global citizen one needs to know English and be able to share experiences. In India, the modern education model is built on top it yet only 10% of the whole population can speak English. Though on the high note, India claims to be the world’s second-largest English-speaking country after the U.S but with a staggering population of 1.37 billion the number is still significantly less.

But there have been improvements in the numbers over the last decade and somewhere the rise in the number of English medium schools across the country has contributed a lot. Especially in Odisha, a state which has a showed exponential growth in literacy rate and educational reforms, schools like St. Xavier’s High School has been a driving force. Situated in the suburbs of Dhenkanal, St. Xavier’s is one of such visionary schools that has completely adhered itself to the all-round development of its students. A school where the language is given paramount importance along with objective subjects like maths and science without undermining its importance. Curriculum designed in accordance with the global standards gives maximum exposure to its students to learn and built them up for a better future. St. Xavier’s High Schools stands out as one of the best English medium schools in Odisha that is grooming students for a smooth flight in their respective careers.