best high schools in Odisha

How Technology Is Integrated Into Our Teaching Curriculum?

Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational” With the outbreak of modern technology, our vision for everything has changed. As humans, we aspire to explore the newest additions for our existing models of the society to witness a new era of evolution. Speaking of that, evolution is a process that is impossible without enlightenment, knowledge, and purpose. In all sense, if an individual wants to evolve or transform he/she had to learn new things, adapt themselves to changes and keep up with technology. Schools have been primarily the foundational institutions for elementary education and technology integrated with teaching can be revolutionary. St. Xavier’s High School in Dhenkanal, one of the best schools in Odisha is a modern-day fulfillment of high-tech education that meets a perfect balance between teaching and technology.

best schools in Odisha

Classrooms in St. Xavier’s are designed to create, develop and quench the psychological thirst of a child. Activity blended teaching successfully brings about integral development in the learner. We, at St. Xavier’s believe that we are living in an age of accelerating change; hence we have to always experiment and figure out what works. As one of the top schools in Dhenkanal, we provide fully equipped classrooms and laboratories with cutting edge technologies. Interactive classrooms help the students to understand better with friendly animations and sound. Linking behavior and attitude to a game could be a way of engaging children. Fun games designed with respect to the curriculum have shown a tremendous impact on the progress of children. Computer labs and libraries are also modernized with the latest tech to ensure a smooth experience for both students and the staff. Smart classes loaded with quizzes and puzzles improve cognitive thinking and memory retention in children. They find learning more interesting and satisfactory quenching their curiosities.

St. Xavier’s is currently among the best schools in Odisha that is continuously reinventing itself to stay relevant to the modern-day education standards.